Friday, September 14, 2012

बातूनी कछुआ ( The Talkative Turtle)

एक समय की बात है, एक तालाब के किनारे एक कछुआ और दो हंस रहते थे। कछुआ तालाब में रहता था। उसकी हंसों के साथ दोस्ती हो गयी थी, जो उससे मिलने हमेशा तालाब तक आते रहते थे। सब बहुत ख़ुशी ख़ुशी मिलजुल कर रहते थे।
एक साल वहां आकाल पड़ा। बहुत दिनों तक बारिश नहीं हुई। सब खेत खलिहान, तालाब सुख गए। पानी का एक बूँद भी नहीं बचा, किसीके पीने के लिए। सारे जानवर पानी के आभाव और तेज़ गर्मी की वजह से मरने लगे। तब बहुत सारे जानवरों ने दूसरी जगह जाना तय किया, जहाँ पर पानी भी हो और खेत-खलिहान हरे-भरे हों।

तीनों दोस्त, कछुआ और हंसों ने भी उस तालाब को छोड़ कर कहीं और जाने का फ़ैसला किया, जहाँ बहुत पानी हो, और वहीँ हमेशा के लिए बसने का विचार किया। पर दुसरे जगह जाना भी मुश्किल था। हंसों के लिए तो आसान था, क्यूंकि उन्हें उड़ना आता था पर कछुआ के लिए यह बहुत ही मुश्किल काम था। कछुआ को उड़ना तो आता नहीं था और ज़मीन पर उतनी दूर चलना भी आसान नहीं था।

तीनों दोस्तों ने परामर्श करके इस परेशानी का हल निकलने की सोची। एक हंस ने एक तरीका सोचा की अगर कछुआ अपने दांतों से लकड़ी की डंटे को पकड़ ले, तो डंटे के दोनों किनारों को हंस अपने मुंह में दवा कर उड़ जाएंगे। इसमें केवल एक ही दिक्कत थी, की कछुआ कुछ ना बोले नहीं तो वो गिर जाएगा और मर जाएगा। दोनों हंस बहुत चिंतित थे, क्यूँकि कछुआ के लिए चुप रहना बहुत मुश्किल था, वो बहुत बातूनी था। कछुए को बात समझ में आई, और उसने प्रतिज्ञा ली की वो पुरे रास्ते चुप रहेगा।

यात्रा शुरु करने से पहले, हंसों ने फिर से अपने मित्र कछुआ को समझाया, की किसी भी स्तिथि में अपना मुंह ना  खोले। हिदायत दे कर, हंसों  ने अपने चोंच में लकड़ी को पकड़ लिया, और कछुए ने लकड़ी के बीच वले हिस्से को दांतों में पकड़ा। और इस तरह उनकी यात्रा शुरु  हुई। वे बहुत ऊँचा ऊँचा उड़ते हुए पहाड़, खेत, मैदान के ऊपर से जा रहे थे। अंत में एक शहर के ऊपर से गुजरे।

शहर के लोगों ने ऐसा नज़ारा पहली  बार देखा था। सभी बहुत आश्चर्यचकित हुए। सभी लोग हसने लगे और तालियाँ बजाने लगे, हँसो  और कछुए को एसे उड़ते देख कर। लोग जोर जोर से हल्ला करने लगे और हंसने लगे, यह सब देख कर कछुए को गुस्सा आने लगा। अपनी जिज्ञासा को रोकने के जगह पर, वो बोलने के लिए मुंह खोला, और उसकी पकड़ छुट गयी, और वो गिर कर मर गया। इस तरह, कछुआ अपनी मुर्खता और बेसब्री से मारा गया।

कहानी का उपदेस- 

  1. अपने दोस्तों की बातें हमेशा सुननी चाहिए।
  2. बिना कारण  कभी भी नहीं बोलना चाहिए। तभी बोलें , जब ज़रूरी हो।
To read the story in English, click Here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Talkative Turtle

Once upon a time, there was a tortoise and two swan. The tortoise lived in a pond and he made friends with the swans, who used to come and visit him at the pond. All of them were happy and were leading their life happily from many years.

Once they faced a drought that lasted for several months. All the rivers, lakes and ponds went dry. There wasn't, even a single drop of water to drink for the birds and the animals. They began to die of thirst and scorching heat. Many of them decided to migrate to some fertile lands.
The three friends also decided to leave the pond and migrate to the some distant lake, which will be full of water, and to settle down there for ever. But it was quite difficult to shift at a distant place. Although, was quite easy for the swans, as they could fly but the problem was for tortoise. The poor tortoise could not fly and to cover that distance on the foot was really difficult.

The three friends had a conversation, as to what could be a possible solution for this problem. One of the swan suggested a plan, that the tortoise would have to hold a piece of stick by his mouth and which would be carried by both the swans, on either side of the stick. The only condition was that the tortoise should not speak; otherwise he would fall and will die. The swans were worried because they knew that tortoise was very talkative and it was difficult for him to keep his mouth shut. The tortoise understood the problem and promised, not to open his mouth during the entire journey.

Before starting their journey, the swans again cautioned their friend not to open his mouth in any case. With their instruction, the swans held the stick in the ends by their beaks and the tortoise held the stick in the middle with his teeth. And, they started their journey. They flew higher and higher, over hills, valleys, fields and plains. Finally, they flew over a town.

The people of the town were surprised to see such a strange scene. They started laughing and clapping, to see the swans carrying tortoise like that. The people started shouting and laughing, and it annoyed the tortoise. Unable to control his anxiety, he opened his mouth to speak. But as soon as he opened his mouth, he lost his grip on the stick and fell to his death. So, the poor tortoise got killed because of his stupidity and impatience.

Moral of the Story: 
  1. Always listen to friendly advices.
  2. Do not speak unnecessarily. Speak only when it's important. 
हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए, यहाँ पर दवायें

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Types of Transport

Transport-  It is the movement of people, goods, animals from one location to another. There are various means of transport, such as Rail Transport, Water Transport, Air Transport, Road Transport and Animal Transport .

Rail Transport-

  1. Trains - The Train is a connected series of rail vehicles, which is used to transport passengers and goods.
  2. Metro Trains - Metro Trains, also known as Rapid Transport. These Trains are used to transport Passengers in much high capacity and frequency as compared to regular traffic. Metro trains are generally either underground or on elevated rails from the street level.
Here, are the workpages of Rail transport.

Water Transport-

  1. Boats - A Boat is a vessel, designed to float on water. It is a passage across the water. Boats are small enough, to be carried in Ships. It is used to transport passengers across the water.
  2. Ships - Ships are large size vessel, which can float on water. It is also stated as Ships are large size boats, used for transporting goods and passengers, from one place to another through waterways. It is also used for purpose of shipping, entertainment, warfare and safety.
  3. Steamer - Steamer, also known as Steamboat. It is a boat which runs on the power of Steam.
Here, are the work pages of Water transport.

Air Transport - 

  1. Aeroplane -It is also known as Airplane. Like the word, it means the vehicle which can fly with the support of Air. It is used for transporting Goods and passengers from one place to another. It is the fastest means of transport and uses less time to cover the distance. Airplane has specific place to land.
  2. Helicopter- It is an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades. It has a capacity of transporting 3 to 8 passengers at a time. It can land anywhere and in limited space. It can lift and land vertically.
  3. Rocket - A Rocket is an aircraft, which obtains thrust from a rocket engine. Rocket engines push rockets forwards simply by throwing their exhaust backwards extremely fast.
 Here, are the work pages of Air Transport.

Road Transport - 

  1. Truck - It is a motor vehicle which runs on Road and is use to transport goods.Trucks are very big in size and power. There are variety of trucks such as firetruck, commercial truck, pickup truck, etc.
  2. Bus - Bus are also sometimes called as Big car. Buses are designed to carry passengers. It can carry as many as 300 passengers.Most common bus seen on roads are single decker bus, but in big cities, Double Decker buses are also seen. There are some small buses, such as mini bus, which carry less passengers at one time.
  3. Jeep - Jeep is one of the oldest vehicle on the road. It has four wheels, and is used as light utility vehicle. It is considered to be the convenient vehicle on bad roads.
  4. Car - Car is an automobile with 4wheels, which is used to carry passengers. It has it's own motor and engine. It can carry maximum of 8 passengers in 1 time. It is primarily designed to run  on roads.
  5. Bike - Bike is also known as Motorcycle. It is 2 wheeled or 3 wheeled vehicle. It's design depends on its task like navigation of congested traffic, long distance travel, cruising, sport or racing, off-road conditions.
  6. Scooter - Scooter is a vehicle with 2 wheels. It is a low power personal transportation. It provides a platform to the operator's feet.
  7. Bicycle- It is also known as Bike. It is a pedal driven, single track vehicle, with 2 wheels attached to the frame, one behind the another. The person who rides this vehicle is called as cyclist.
  8. Rickshaw - Rickshaw is also known as Cycle Rickshaw. It is a type of tricycle, which is operated by driver by pedaling and it can carry 1-3 passengers along with the driver.

 Here, are the work pages of Road Transport.

Animal Transport -

  1. Camel Cart - Camel is found in Desert. Camel are those animals, who can travel in desert without water. Camels drinks 20 gallons of water in 1 time. Camel Cart is a vehicle, which is pulled by Camels. It is used to transport small goods and passengers in deserts.
  2. Bullock Cart - A bullock cart is a two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle pulled by bull or Ox. It is a means of transportation used from ancient times in many parts of the world. They are still used today where modern vehicles are too expensive. It is used especially for carrying goods, the bullock cart is pulled by one or several oxen (bullocks). The Ox are tied together by a rope or a chain. The driver and any other passengers sit on the front of the cart, while load is placed in the back.
  3. Horse Cart - A Horse cart is a vehicle designed for transport, using two wheels and normally pulled by one or a pair of horses. The horses are tied together by a rope or a chain. The driver and other passengers site on the cart. It is used to transport passengers as well as goods.
Here, are the work pages for Animal Transport.

Some more work pages for Transport-

  1. Match the Following
  2. Time to Travel
  3. Tell which does not belong

Monday, September 3, 2012

Goldilocks and Three Bears

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks.  Her mother use to teach her- never go in anyone’s house without the permission, never eat anyone’s food, never sit in anyone’s chair and never sleep in anybody’s bed. But, Goldilocks never listens to her mother’s teaching.

One day she wanted to play outside. Her mother asked her to  went deep inside the woods, following a butterfly.

In the middle of the woods, there lived a family of Bears. Just before the breakfast, they decided to go for a play near the house and told her,” Do not go inside the woods”. But, as usual Goldilocks didn’t listen to her mother, andwalk. They left their door open. Pretty soon, from the other side of the house, she reached near the house.

She knocked and, when no one answered, she walked right in. She forgot her mother’s instructions of not going inside anyone’s house without their permission.

The door led to the Kitchen. At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was hungry.  Again, she forgot her mother’s next lesson , “ Do not eat anyone’s food.”

And she tasted the porridge from the first bowl, which was very big.

"This porridge is too hot!" she exclaimed.

Then, she tasted the porridge from the second bowl, which was not too big not too small.

"This porridge is too cold," she said

Then, she tasted the last bowl of porridge, which was the right size for her hands..

"Ahhh, this porridge is just right," she said happily and she ate it all up.

After she'd eaten the porridge, she decided she is feeling a little tired.  So, she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs.  

Goldilocks sat in the first chair to rest her feet, which was too big for her.

"This chair is too big!" she exclaimed.

So, she sat in the second chair, which was not too big not too small, but bigger for her.

"This chair is too big, too!"  she whined.
So she tried the last and smallest chair.

"Ahhh, this chair is just right," she sighed.  But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces!

Goldilocks was very tired by this time, so she went upstairs to the bedroom.  

She lay down in the first bed, but it was too hard for her.

Then she lay in the second bed, but it was too soft.

Then she lay down in the third bed and it was just right.  Goldilocks fell asleep.

As she was sleeping, the three bears came home from a walk.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up!" cried the Baby bear.


"Someone's been sitting in my chair," growled the Papa bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair," said the Mama bear.
"Someone's been sitting in my chair and they've broken it all to pieces," cried the Baby bear.

They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled, "Someone's been sleeping in my bed,"
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too" said the Mama bear
"Someone's been sleeping in my bed and she's still there!" exclaimed Baby bear.

Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears.  She screamed, "Help!" And remembered her mother’s lessons. And then she jumped up and ran out of the room.  

Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest to her house.  And she never returned to the home of the three bears in the woods.



  1. Do not go inside anyone’s house without their permission.
  2. Always listen to your elders.

You can take the print of this Story here.


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